下図は、全米平均(9.6 cent/kWh)とハワイ州での電気代(33.6 cent/kWh)を比較したものであるが、いかにハワイの電気代が高いかわかる。日本(26-28円/kWh)よりもずっと高い。
同時に、ハワイは年間日照時間に恵まれるため、太陽光発電による発電コスト(LCOE: Levelized Cost of Electricity)が、島内の電力会社から購入する電気代よりも安くなる、いわゆるGrid Parity状態を達成している。
このために、ルーフトップ他の太陽光発電が急ピッチで増え続け、一人当たり(per Capita)のPV設置量は全米でダントツでトップである。
州知事のDavid Igeのコメント:
“As the most oil dependent state in the nation, Hawaii spends roughly $5 billion a year on foreign oil to meet its energy needs.
Making the transition to renewable, indigenous resources for power generation will allow us to keep more of that money at home, thereby improving our economy, environment and energy security.
I’d like to thank the senate and house energy committee chairs for championing HB623 and ensuring that Hawaii remains a national leader in clean energy.”
Luis Salaveria, director of the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourismのコメント:
“Setting a 100 percent renewable portfolio standard will help drive investment in Hawaii’s growing clean energy sector.
Our commitment to clean energy has already attracted entrepreneurs and businesses from around the world, looking to develop, test and prove emerging technologies and strategies right here in Hawaii.”
Mark Glick、州のエネルギーオフィスのadministratorのコメント:
“Raising the bar for renewable energy in Hawaii will also push the state to stay out in front on innovation.
We are finding ways to be innovative both with technical solutions and financing structures that will help us meet our ambitious renewable energy goals.”
Rep. Chris Lee, Chair of the House Energy and Environmental Protection Committeeのコメント:
“Renewable energy projects are already producing cheaper power than new fossil fuel projects in Hawaii, and it’s only going to get cheaper as renewable technology advances, unlike fossil fuels which will only grow more expensive as they become more difficult to extract from a shrinking supply.
The faster we move toward renewable energy the faster we can stop exporting billions from our local economy to import expensive fossil fuels.”