

  • 途中で"変更"する事無くカリフォルニア州内のバランシングオーソリティーまで持ってきた電力とそのREC(Renewable Electricity Credit)に適用。
  • Have a first point of interconnection with a "California balancing authority",
  • have a first point of interconnection with distribution facilities used to serve end users within a "California balancing authority" area,
  • or are scheduled from the eligible renewable energy resource into a "California balancing authority" without substituting electricity from another source.
    • The use of "another source" to provide real-time ancillary services required to maintain an hourly or subhourly import schedule into a "California balancing authority" shall be permitted, but only the fraction of the schedule actually generated by the eligible renewable energy resource shall count toward this portfolio content category. . . .


  • 他のソース(州外の発電所)から、州内のバランシングオーソリティーまで、"変更"する事無く電力を持ってこれない場合の電力とそのRECに適用。
  • The electricity has an agreement to dynamically transfer electricity to a "California balancing authority".
    • The term "dynamic transfer" refers to a range of methods by which a balancing authority receiving electricity generated in another balancing authority area may provide some or all of the functions and services typically provided by the balancing authority in which the generation facility is interconnected.
    • As several parties point out, the actual dynamic transfer arrangement is made between the balancing authorities, not the generator and the buyer.
    • The statutory direction should therefore be understood to mean the generation claimed for RPS compliance in accordance with this criterion is covered by an agreement that was executed by a California balancing authority, before the electricity is generated, to dynamically transfer electricity from the RPS-eligible generator outside a California balancing authority into the California balancing authority area during the time period in which the RPS-eligible electricity is generated.
    • Because the techniques and protocols for dynamic transfer are evolving, it is most reasonable to read this criterion broadly, as applying to those arrangements accepted by a California balancing authority as providing for dynamic transfer.


  • Unbundled RECのみを購入する(電力は購入しない)か、上記のカテゴリー1・2に該当しないRECを購入する場合に適用。
  • a certificate of proof associated with the generation of electricity from an eligible renewable energy resource, issued through the accounting system established by the Energy Commission pursuant to Section 399.25, that one unit of electricity was generated and delivered by an eligible renewable energy resource

ここで、Renewable Electricity Creditの定義は下記の様になっている。

  • a certificate of proof associated with the generation of electricity from an eligible renewable energy resource, issued through the accounting system established by the Energy Commission pursuant to Section 399.25, that one unit of electricity was generated and delivered by an eligible renewable energy resource