
MITの著名教授のDr. Sadowayが、MITの研究室で開発した「溶融金属を用いたバッテリー」を商業化するために作った会社である。


GTMのレポートでは、AmbriのCTOのDavid Bradwellは、これを確認しなかったが、下記のコメントを寄せたと言う。

"The performance of our cells now far exceeds even the strong cell performance described in the Nature paper (for example, our cells have reached a much lower fade rate of ~0.0002%/cycle)."


  • This Li || Sb-Pb battery comprises a liquid lithium negative electrode, a molten salt electrolyte, and a liquid antimony–lead alloy positive electrode, which self-segregate by density into three distinct layers owing to the immiscibility of the contiguous salt and metal phases.
  • The all-liquid construction confers the advantages of higher current density, longer cycle life and simpler manufacturing of large-scale storage systems (because no membranes or separators are involved) relative to those of conventional batteries.
  • At charge–discharge current densities of 275 milliamperes per square centimetre, the cells cycled at 450 degrees Celsius with 98 per cent Coulombic efficiency and 73 per cent round-trip energy efficiency.
  • To provide evidence of their high power capability, the cells were discharged and charged at current densities as high as 1,000 milliamperes per square centimetre.
  • Measured capacity loss after operation for 1,800 hours (more than 450 charge–discharge cycles at 100 per cent depth of discharge) projects retention of over 85 per cent of initial capacity after ten years of daily cycling.
  • Our results demonstrate that alloying a high-melting-point, high-voltage metal (antimony) with a low-melting-point, low-cost metal (lead) advantageously decreases the operating temperature while maintaining a high cell voltage.
  • Apart from the fact that this finding puts us on a desirable cost trajectory, this approach may well be more broadly applicable to other battery chemistries.