CEOのPhil Giudice氏は、「残念なことに予想していた通り技術開発がすすめられておらず、商業用の試験システムを今年後半又は来年初めにも出荷する計画であったが、間に合わせることが難しくなった」と述べ、また約25%にあたる14人のスタッフを削減することを発表した。
Ambri社はこれまでに5,000万ドル(60億円)以上の資金を獲得しており、出資者にはKLP Enterprises、Karen Pritzker & Michael Vlock、Khosla Ventures、ビルゲーツ氏などがいる。
しかし、どう考えても、アンチモン(Sb)が廉価とは思えないのだが... 世界生産の90%は、中国(81.5%)とロシア(7.8%)だし。
- This Li || Sb-Pb battery comprises a liquid lithium negative electrode, a molten salt electrolyte, and a liquid antimony-lead alloy positive electrode, which self-segregate by density into three distinct layers owing to the immiscibility of the contiguous salt and metal phases.
- The all-liquid construction confers the advantages of higher current density, longer cycle life and simpler manufacturing of large-scale storage systems (because no membranes or separators are involved) relative to those of conventional batteries.
- At charge-discharge current densities of 275 milliamperes per square centimeter, the cells cycled at 450 degrees Celsius with 98 percent Coulombic efficiency and 73 percent round-trip energy efficiency.
- Our results demonstrate that alloying a high-melting-point, high-voltage metal (antimony) with a low-melting-point, low-cost metal (lead) advantageously decreases the operating temperature while maintaining a high cell voltage.
- Apart from the fact that this finding puts us on a desirable cost trajectory, this approach may well be more broadly applicable to other battery chemistries.