しかし「Institutional Barrier(無理に訳すと「制度上の障壁」?)は、米国固有の問題点もあり乗り越えるのは大変だと感じる。
- Loads cannot be aggregated to provide AS;
- Aggregation rules are somewhat arbitrary and slow to adoption;
- Operational systems at ISOs are not upgraded for different resources to participate and there is reluctance to carry out the needed upgrades;
- ISO rules limiting each load to being associated with a single curtailment service provider make it difficult for a new entrant to aggregate multiple loads to provide an ancillary service, creating an effective barrier to new entrants;
- State regulatory commissions often require separate registrations due to the layered rules, and in some cases have blocked DR participation both at the individual and aggregated level, and;
- Different building codes and standards suggested by various organizations such as ASHRAE can impact the deployment because building codes may cause limitations on load curtailments and curtailment durations.