Fotowatio Renewable Ventures

Fotowatio Renewable Ventures(FRV)という、独立系発電事業会社(IPP = Independent Power Producer)がある。多国籍企業だが本社はスペイン。
稼働中(187 MW)

  • 130 Mw in Spain
  • 16 Mw in Italy
  • 41 Mw in the USA

建設中(2,000 MW)

  • 500 Mw in Europe (Spain and Italy)
  • 180 Mw in Australia
  • 1,300 Mw in the USA


FRV is a global operator specializing in the generation of electricity using the sun as the source. Since it was founded in 2006, it has developed and operated numerous large projects based on photovoltaic and thermosolar technologies.
Its activities are focused on operating a portfolio of projects that are both technologically and geographically diversified. With presence in Spain, the USA and Italy, FRV is one of the leading operators in the solar sector and among the top three growth companies worldwide in the sector

個々の発電所のサイズはあまり大きく無いが、とにかく実績がある。下記がその米国における実績のリストだが、大学とか事業会社(Lowe's, Macy's, Gap, Siemens)とかの発電を請け負っている。

Belmar Complex, Bolthouse Farms, Brook Warehouse, California State University (Fresno), Colorado Convention Center, Community College, CSU Fort Collins(Phase I, Phase II), Denver International Airport, Gap Inc., Global Solar, Happy Valley School, Lowe's Store, Macy's Stores, Montna Farms, Nellis Air Force Base, Roche Molecular (California, New Jersey), Rothenbach Solar Park, Santa Rosa City Schools, Siemens, University of California, Yuba City Wastewater Treatment Plant

FRGの発電所のSweet Spotは20MWから40MWらしい。昨年参加したSolar Internationalという大きな展示会+ Conferenceでも、電力会社の人が「20MWから40MWクラスの発電所が一番扱い易い」と言っていた。
このFRGが計画中のAPEXという太陽光発電所に米国エネルギー省が$45.6MのLoan Guaranteeを条件付きながら決定したとの事。APEXの建設予定地はラスベガス(ネバダ州)から北東に約25マイル。

the Department of Energy has offered a conditional commitment for a $45.6 million loan guarantee to support the 20-megawatt (AC) "Apex" photovoltaic solar generating facility in Nevada. The project, sponsored by Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV), is being supported by the DOE with funding from the 2009 Recovery Act. It will be developed about 25 miles northeast of Las Vegas. The project's sponsor estimates it will create 250 jobs at peak construction.

右の写真の様に、多結晶シリコンのパネルを11枚、1軸の追尾装置に乗せるらしい。パネル枚数は全部で90,000枚で「Trina Solar」から供給を受けるとの事。
因に、米国連邦政府のLoan Guaranteeは既に$30.7 billionの保証を行い、今のところ62,350人分の雇用を新規に生成または守ったとの事。元ネタはこちら