Transitional Bundled Commodity Cost (TBCC)

CAにおける、Transitional Bundled Commodity Cost (TBCC) についての自分のメモ。

(i) 7/1/2012 - Present

  • The hourly "Market Price" (at the transmission / distribution interface) shall consist of
    • the CAISO hourly "Integrated Forward Market (IFM)" "Locational Marginal Price (LMP)"
    • multiplied by an allowance for "Unaccounted for Energy(UFE)",
    • plus an allowance for "Ancillary Services (AS)" and the ISO "Grid Management Charges (GMC)".
      • MP (day n, hr) = IFM-LMP(day n, hr) * UFE + AS (day n, hr) + GMC
  • The "revised hourly Market Price (Revised MP)" will equal
    • the sum of the "Hourly Market Price", the "Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) adder" and the "Capacity adder (CAP ADDER)".
      • Revised MP (day n, hr) = MP (day n, hr) + RPS adder + CAP adder
  • Hourly TBCC prices applicable to customers served at each voltage level are
    • equal to the "revised hourly market price" determined above,
    • multiplied by the appropriate "distribution loss factor(DLF)"
    • multiplied by a factor for "franchise fees and uncollectibles (FFU)".
      • TBCC (day n, hr) = Revised MP (day n, hr) * DLF * FFU

(ii) 4/1/2009 - 6/30/2012 (MRTU implementation)

  • The hourly market price (at the transmission / distribution interface) shall consist of
    • the CAISO hourly "Integrated Forward Market (IFM)" "Locational Marginal Price (LMP)"
    • multiplied by an allowance for "Unaccounted for Energy (UFE)",
    • plus an allowance for "Ancillary Services (AS)" and the ISO "Grid Management Charges (GMC)".
      • MP (day n, hr) = IFM LMP LAP PGAE, (day n, hr) * UFE + AS (day n, hr) + GMC
  • Hourly TBCC prices applicable to customers served at each voltage level are
    • then equal to the hourly market price determined above,
    • multiplied by the appropriate distribution loss factor (DLF) and a factor for franchise fees and uncollectibles (FFU).
      • TBCC (day n, hr) = MP (day n, hr) * DLF * FFU

(iii) Prior to 4/1/09

  • The hourly market price (at the transmission / distribution interface) shall consist of
    • the straight average of the six 10-minute CAISO Ex Post Incremental prices,
    • multiplied by an allowance for Unaccounted for Energy (UFE),
    • plus an allowance for "Ancillary Services (AS)" and the "ISO Grid Management Charges (GMC)".
      • MP (day n, hr) = Avg NP15 (day n, hr) * UFE + AS (day n, hr) + GMC
  • Hourly TBCC prices applicable to customers served at each voltage level are
    • then equal to the hourly market price determined above,
    • multiplied by the appropriate distribution loss factor (DLF) and a factor for franchise fees and uncollectibles (FFU).
      • TBCC (day n, hr) = MP (day n, hr) * DLF * FFU