Navigant Researchの予想では、2035年に世界中で走っている自動車(light-duty vehicles : LDVs)の種類は下のグラフの様になるという。う〜〜ん、まあWorld Wideだからこんなものかな??
stop-start vehicles(日本で言うところのアイドリングストップ車)の比率が大きく伸びるとか。
In a new report, Navigant Research estimates that nearly 84.1 million new light-duty vehicles (LDVs) will be sold globally in 2014, putting more than 1.2 billion vehicles on the world’s roads.
The company forecasts that annual LDV sales will grow to 126.9 million in 2035, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.0%.
The number of LDVs in use worldwide will grow by 72.4% over the forecast period—i.e., to more than 2 billion vehicles.
Navigant forecasts that sales of conventional ICE(internal combustion engine) vehicles will fall significantly over the period, experiencing a CAGR of -6.7%;
the share of vehicles in use with conventional ICE powertrains will thus fall from 95% in 2014 to 45% in 2035.
Navigant suggests that conventional ICE vehicles will be mainly supplanted by stop-start vehicles (SSVs), which will grow from representing fewer than 3% of vehicles in use in 2014 to around 45% in 2035.
Hybrid-electric and natural-gas (HEVs and NGVs) will account for almost 8% of global share,
while plug-in hybrid (PHEV), battery-electric (BEV), and fuel-cell electric (FCV) together will add up to almost 2.5% of the LDVs in use in 2035.