
5日前(8/17)の雷雨に伴う山火事がまだ鎮火していませんが、明日の日曜日の朝(8/23 5am)から月曜日の夕方(8/24 5pm)にかけて、「雨を伴わない落雷(Dry Lightning)」と「強風(strong outflow winds)」がカリフォルニア州北部を襲う可能性が高く、それらに伴う「山火事」に警戒するようにとの警報が出ています。
Elevated moisture and instability from former Hurricane Genevieve will advance northward later this weekend through early next week and bring an increased potential for high-based thunderstorms across much of Northern California. Lightning can create new fire starts and may combine with strong outflow winds to cause a fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity before first responders can contain them.