
比較的起動が遅い""operating reserves = non-dynamic system resources"を、1時間前に準備させてアンシラリーサービスに使うと言う。
Contingency Onlyで、いつもやる訳では無いと言う断りが入っているが、結構便利なやり方じゃないかと思う。

  • Ancillary services procurement in HASP and dispatch logic
  • The procurement of "ancillary services" in "hour-ahead scheduling process (HASP)"
  • To procure any required incremental ancillary services after the "day-ahead market" in the 15-minute "Real-Time Pre-Dispatch (RTPD)" process.
  • Procure "Ancillary services" in HASP and dispatch "energy" from "operating reserves" procured from "non-dynamic system resources" in the hour ahead.
  • The implementation supports the optimal procurement and real-time dispatch of "hourly Operating Reserves (Spinning and Non-Spinning Reserves)" from "Hourly Pre-Dispatched Resources",
  • Specifically focusing on non-dynamic system resources.
  • Such real-time dispatch is contingency only and can occur only once within a Trading Hour
  • And shall stay constant for the remainder of that hour.