Reusable Energy(再生可能エネルギー)を使えば使うほど、風や太陽の変動を受けて発電量は一定しなくなり、その分Utility会社(電力会社)は、どんな最悪な自然状況でも最低の電力は供給出来る体制を維持しなければいけなくなります。ということで、色々なレベルで「蓄電」が非常に大事になって来ます。
7月20日に3人の上院議員(Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH))が連名で「The Storage Technology of Renewable and Green Energy Act of 2010」と言う法案を出しました。提案額は「$1.5 billion of tax credits」ということです。
- Utility-scale bulk storage.
- 20 percent investment tax credit up to $30 million for any one project
- The size of the storage system must be at least 1 MW of capacity with a rated output of at least one hour
- Commercial business on-site storage.
- 30 percent tax credit, up to $1 million for deployment of energy storage on premises to better manage electricity requirements, or provide a temporary resting spot for excess electricity produced on the grid.
- Systems must have a capacity of at least five kilowatts that can be discharged over four hours, or the energy equivalent 20 kilowatt hours.
- Residential on-site storage.
- 30 percent tax credit
- for systems that can store on-site the energy equivalent of at least of 500 watts of electricity for four hours, or two kilowatt hours of energy.